Underfloor heating with Devireg and NTC Sensors
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- Underfloor heating with Devireg and NTC Sensors
Control the Shelly based on readings from any NTC temperture sensor (DEVIREG)
Det er muligt at bruge din eksisterende gulvarmeføler (i dette tilfælde Devireg 233 med den tilhørende NTC 15Kohm sensor)
Det virker ved at bruge et script. dvs. scriptet styre enhedens relæer (dataen kan altså ikke ses i appens brugerfladed)
Scriptet bruger Steinhart–Hart formlen der bruger max, middel og min værdier for at lave udregningen.
https://rusefi.com/Steinhart-Hart.html (OBS!! Temperature er i Fareheit)
https://github.com/ALLTERCO/shelly-script-examples/blob/main/ntc-conversion.js tilpasset med Devireg føler værdier og ændret, så det viser værdierne i loggen
Devireg føler værdier
Følerenhed NTC 15 kΩ ved 25 °C
0°C = 42000Ω
25°C = 15000Ω
50°C = 6000Ω
Trin 1: Preperation
Make sure the device is updatet to latest firmware
Step 2: Add Sensor in the app
Step 3: Insert and prepare script
Go to the devices web interface by entering it’s ip adress in a browser og from the app go to device -> settings (cogwheel) device information click ip adress.
Note. This can also be done from the app, but i like the Webinterface better.
Turn on Websocket debug
Insert script
Now copy the entire code below into the new script.
(Press Copy in the top right corner of the script)
Note. this script is based on https://github.com/ALLTERCO/shelly-script-examples/blob/main/ntc-conversion.js with slighlt modifications
/**************** START CHANGE HERE ****************/
let CONFIG = {
scanInterval: 10, //secs, this will run a timer for every 30 seconds, that will fetch the voltage
voltmeterID: 100, //the ID of the voltmeter - When we install the add on, the device will define this number
* Applies some math on the voltage and returns the result. This function is called every time the voltage is measured
* @param {Number} voltage The current measured voltage
* @returns The temperature based on the voltage
calcTemp: function (voltage) {
const constVoltage = 10;
const R1 = 10000;
const A = 0.0010377385695278978;
const B = 0.00021633455581572119;
const C = 2.654857502585547e-7;
const R2 = R1 * (voltage / (constVoltage - voltage));
const logR2 = Math.log(R2);
let T = 1.0 / (A + (B + C * logR2 * logR2) * logR2);
T = T - 273.15; // Celcius
//T = (T - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32; // Fahrenheit
return { temperature: T, voltage: voltage, resistance: R2 };
* This function is called every time when a temperature is read
* @param {Object} data Object containing temperature, voltage, and resistance
onTempReading: function (data) {
const temperature = data.temperature;
const voltage = data.voltage;
const resistance = data.resistance;
let relayStatus;
const currentTime = new Date();
const currentHour = currentTime.getHours();
// Determine temperature thresholds based on time of day
//if the temperature is less than 16, turn the first output on
let thresholdLow = 10; // Default threshold
//if the temperature is greater than 22 turn the first output off
let thresholdHigh = 20; // Default threshold
// Night setback (natsænkning)
if (currentHour >= 10 || currentHour < 6) { // Between 22:00 and 06:00
thresholdLow = 10; // Adjust threshold for cooler temperature during the night
thresholdHigh = 16; // Adjust threshold for cooler temperature during the night
// Check temperature against thresholds
if (temperature > thresholdHigh) {
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", {
id: 0,
on: false
relayStatus = "Turned off";
} else if (temperature < thresholdLow) {
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", {
id: 0,
on: true
relayStatus = "Turned on";
} else {
relayStatus = "Unchanged";
console.log("Temperature: " + temperature.toFixed(2) + " °C | Voltage: " + voltage.toFixed(2) + "V | Resistance: " + resistance.toFixed(2) + "Ω | Hour: " + currentHour + ":00 | Relay: " + relayStatus);
/**************** STOP CHANGE HERE ****************/
function fetchVoltage() {
//Fetch the voltmeter component
const voltmeter = Shelly.getComponentStatus(
"voltmeter:" + JSON.stringify(CONFIG.voltmeterID)
//exit if can't find the component
if (typeof voltmeter === "undefined" || voltmeter === null) {
console.log("Can't find the voltmeter component");
const voltage = voltmeter["voltage"];
//exit if can't read the voltage
if (typeof voltage !== "number") {
console.log("can't read the voltage or it is NaN");
//get the temperature based on the voltage
const data = CONFIG.calcTemp(voltage);
//exit if the temp isn't calculated correctly
if (typeof data !== "object") {
console.log("Something went wrong when calculating the temperature");
if (typeof CONFIG.onTempReading === "function") {
//init the script
function init() {
//start the timer
Timer.set(CONFIG.scanInterval * 1000, true, fetchVoltage);
//fetch the voltage at run
Trin 4: Konfigurere on/off temperaturen
on temperatur
Find linje 44
På linjen
let thresholdLow = kkk 10 “3c:2e:f5:6f:77:9b”, (Linie 44)
//if the temperature is less than 16, turn the first output on
let thresholdLow = 10; // Default threshold
//if the temperature is greater than 22 turn the first output off
let thresholdHigh = 20; // Default threshold
off temperatur
Find linje 46
På linjen
addr: “3c:2e:f5:6f:77:9b”, (Linie 44)
Indsætter du den Mac adressen på din Blu Button, som blev noteret i starten.
Det er meget vigtigt der kun bruges små bogstaver.
//if the temperature is less than 16, turn the first output on
let thresholdLow = 10; // Default threshold
//if the temperature is greater than 22 turn the first output off
let thresholdHigh = 20; // Default threshold
Trin 3: Udregn de rigtige værdier til scriptet
(Hvis det allerede er en Devrig gulvvarme føler, så kan dette springes over)
Konverter din NTC sensors værdier til data vi skal smide ind i scriptet ved at bruge Steinhart-Hart formel.
NTC sensorens oplysninger vi skal bruge er
Modstand ved sensorens min. temperatur.
Modstand ved sensorens max. temperatur.
Midl. værdier har vi da det altid er Sensorens navn (modstand) som er den modstand der måles ved en temepartur på 25 grader celcious
https://rusefi.com/Steinhart-Hart.html (OBS!! Temperature er i Fareheit)
Du har en NTC10k Sensor hvor data er:
Max. temp er 86,11°C / 187°F = modstand på 1034Ω
Middel temp er 25°C / 77°F = modstand på 10000Ω
Min. temp er -39,44°C/ = mostand 323839Ω
Du har en NTC10k Sensor hvor data er:
Max. temp er 86,11°C / 187°F = modstand på 1034Ω
Middel temp er 25°C / 77°F = modstand på 10000Ω
Min. temp er -39,44°C/ = mostand 323839Ω